Most reputable companies now produce a CSR Report each year, providing transparency on all areas of performance, particularly on Health & Safety, Environment and Social and Community.
Good CSR reporting needs to strike the right balance of content, presentation, detail, as well as being accurate, transparent and balanced. These will vary by type of company activity and reporting expectations for the sector.
Additionally, there are now well-established rules on reporting, such as the GRI (Global Reporting Initiative) Guidelines. These are extensive in scope, and may present significant data collection and reporting challenges.
There are also established recommendations on independent verification, varying from basic to verification of the entire report. Verification adds hugely to the external credibility of the CSR Report, and provides good internal signposting towards continuous improvement.
Meeting of all these challenging reporting criteria will put a company CSR report into the highest reputational category. It will also place it in a strong position in subsequent assessment by SRI (Socially Responsible Investment) rating agencies, as well as external stakeholders.
Jim O’Brien CSR Consulting offers uniquely qualified practical advice and experience in all these areas.
Jim O'Brien CSR Consulting
Advice Offered
- Deciding CSR Report content, scope, layout, case studies, as well as dissemination media (website and/or hardcopy)
- Preparing detailed reporting on Safety, Environment, Social & Community, Corporate Governance
- Ensuring compliance with GRI or similar reporting guidelines, and aiming for the highest reporting level
- Achieving independent verification of parts or all of the CSR Report
- Ensuring that all the requirements of SRI rating agencies and wider stakeholders are met
- Advice on how to get the best ratings from SRI Rating Agencies, such as DJSI, FTSE4Good, Innovest, Vigeo, Ethibel, GMI and others